



Part one

That unbearable pain month after month can be too much to bear. Luckily there’s something we can do about it in today’s article, we’ll be sharing a few tweaks in your diet that can save you all the cramping and pain and Should you eat meat.

What about sweet treats ? 

What should you eat?

we’re talking all that and more.


Apart from being delicious Fruit are packed with all the essential nutrients, try having at least two servings of fruit a day. A few fruits have an edge over the others and it’s must to Be Eaten If You Typically feel  From Period Pain, bananas are available globally and are a whole snack in themselves.

Their Great Source Of Vitamin B6 And Potassium Which Can Reduce Bloating And Muscle cramps, you can put bananas in your smoothies or place them in your cereal. Pineapples are also loved by so many this tropical fruit has high amounts of bromelain, a chemical with anti-inflammatory effects.

This will help you to get through all the soreness and relax your cramping muscles. Your iron levels can go down quickly if you lose blood continuously vitamin C from pineapples helps to absorb more iron into your body . Kiwis are helpful for those ladies who face symptoms like constipation diarrhea or painful cramps, an enzyme called actinidin, is easy to digest and cools down your stomach. 

Kiwi also helps to get rid of the bloating and extra water retention that makes you feel puffy, the fluid loss during periods can be topped up by consuming lots of watery fruits watermelon cucumbers and a few berries can alleviate the pain. Don’t forget to put oranges lemons mangoes and apples on your shopping list next month, these fruits will also relieve bloating and pain. 

2. leafy Green

Leafy green Veggies will help you navigate through your period, they may not be your favorite food but starting including some cooked greens in your diet, leafy greens can bring color and freshness to your food. They are in Iron and can make up for iron loss during menstruation, a lack of iron can make you tired fatigue and brain fogged. 

Lettuce and celery have water content, they can reduce boating and are great for painful cramps, the fiber will help you to get through constipation. If your pants start feeling tight around your waistline during your period You need to up your fiber intake, but just increasing fiber will make you constipated. 

You’ll also need to drink water, lettuce and celery are the  perfect food, since they have a great balance of fiber and high water content, spinach is magnesium mineral is known to relieve muscular cramps and spasms. It will also increase your energy level through those weary days, now it doesn’t bowl of warm spinach. 

Soup sounds good ? 

The other must have greens kale broccoli brussels sprouts Swiss chard beet greens rhubarb etc, they are  filled with color compounds like flavonoids and chlorophyll, which reduce inflammation all over your body. Prostate cause your uterus to contract during your period, green leaf veggies reduce the activity of prostate Landens and keep your body functioning like a well oiled machine.

3. Fish

Fish Is really helpful for keeping away cramps this doesn’t mean you’re allowed to eat fish and chips every day. Fried fish is not good fish that are low and fats like salmon tuna herring trout and mackerel are great, replace Something Very Fatty Like Fries And Burgers.

These fisher gold mine for omega 3 fatty acids and increased blood flow and circulation throughout your body, they have anti-inflammatory properties cytokines (sight-oh-kynes) and prostaglandins are pain causing chemicals during periods. Omega 3 lower the level of these chemicals and relieves your cramping, some seeds and eggs are also great sources of omega 3.

4. Whole Grains

Process foods are all around us from bread to pasta to cakes and cookies, fatty foods are generally made with refined flour. The refining process takes away all the good grains leaving behind the bad ones, if you prefer whole grains like wheat brand brown rice oatmeal and whole wheat.

 You’ll get the actual benefits of these ingredients with very little change greens have a lot of zinc and magnesium which will rejuvenate your body at a cellular level also  you’ll get an additional blast of vitamin B & E along with a lots of dietary fibers.

5. Dark Chocolate

Chocolate is a sweet treat many women crave during these times, a bar of dark chocolate can satisfy your taste buds and relief those cramps. Dark chocolate releases hormones called serotonin and endorphins which keep you happy. 

Those of you who suffer from mood swings can try having dark chocolate to calm your nerves this tasty rich dark chocolate is a hidden source of vitamins like B1 C D and E. Along with anti-cramp minerals like calcium and potassium magnesium and iron, the greater the percent of dark chocolate, the more benefits, you’ll see bar of regular milk chocolate will do no good here.

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