



today we are dividing into the words of brain boosting foods. 7foods that supercharge your memory brain. Trust me by we end of this article you will be filling your grocery basket, With newfound  sense of purpose. don’t worry you won’t forget any of them because,  we’re going to make your memory sharp as attack. Ready to pawer up your brain. 


Fatty fish know the topic of brain boosting comes up one, foods one superstars that’s always leading. The pack is you guessed it fatty fish. already hear some of you saying fatty aren’t we supposed to avoid fats. Let’s set the record straight on the fatty fish. We are. talking about include salmon, trout, albacore  tuna, herring and sardines.

These are all swimming or, should I say brimming with omega 3 fatty acids. divide  into some brainy facts. Shall we say your brain is 60% ffat Surprising right but the kicker half of that fat. Fat is actually omega 3 fatty acids.

Yess the  very same omega 3s that are abundant in our  fishy friend. your brain employs these omega 3s to, construct brain and nerve cells. It’s supper highways for your thoughts and memories.

They are like the construction workers of your helping. You will learn and retain information but, the parks don’t stop at memory. learning oh omega 3s may also be your brans bodyguard Slowing down age related mental decline. Potential warding scary threats like Alzheimer’s disease. On the other hand if you miss out on essential fats your brain might put up a red flag.


Inadequate omega 3s are associated with learning impairment, and Can even contribute to feeling of depression. Here is the good news simply adding more fish to your diet can offer, and the get healthy benefits. It gets Evan better research. People who regularly enjoy a good seafood platter tend, and have more gray matter in their brains . Gray matter is packed with nerve cells. That handle all your major brain operations, like decision making memory   and emotions.


Broccoli is worth a second look, especially when we’re talking about your Brian health. Because this veggie is bursting with  potent compounds, including some pretty stellar antioxidants. Just imagine them as the superheroes. That shield your body and Brain harmful free radicals. If that’s not impressive enough. 

Let’s talk about broccolis is vitamin K constant. You might not hear about this vitamin often, but it plays a big role in your brain health. Just a one cup  serving of cooked broccoli, delivers over 100 your daily recommended intake. What’s so special about vitamin k?

This fat-soluble vitamin. It’s a key player in forming sphingolipids a type of fat, That’s densely packed into your brain cells. It’s like the insulating tape, that keeps the electrical wiring-your nerve cells, in your brain functioning smoothly. 

Studies in order adults drawn a pretty intriguing connection. A higher intake of vitamin k seems to go hand in hand with improved memory cognition. Broccoli could give your brain that extra oomph?

There’s more beyond, Its impressive vitamins K constant. Broccoli boasts a myriad of compounds that bestow it with anti-inflammatory and antioxidants. Effects these powers can help and, protect your brain against damage. Almost like a personal bodyguard  for your brain cells.


Blueberries these tiny vibrant pawerhouses offer ton of health benefits. Blueberries a long with other richly colored berries are loaded with anthocyanin. Now that’s a bit a mouthful but, simply put these plant compounds with strong anti inflammatory and antioxidant effects. 

Why does your brain love these antioxidants ?:  well, they are like a dual force field against oxidative and inflammation. Two conditions that could be part crashers to your brain health. Speeding up brain aging and paving the way for neurodegenerative diseases but, here’s where it gets cooler same antioxidant’s in blue berries don’t just stop at protecting your brain. 

they literally take up residence in your brain, and help improve commutation between brain cells. It’s like they are diplomats of your brain ensuring, everything run smoothly. The benefit just keep stacking up a review of multiple studies shows that. These little blue marbles can sharpen memory and certain cognitive process in both children old adult. Blue berries are great for your brain whether you are 8 or 80.  


The active  ingredient that gives turmeric its vibrant deep yellow. Turmeric has VIP pass, that allows it to across the blood -brain barrier. That means it can enter your brain directly and work its magic right on the spot. It’s impressive antioxidants And anti-inflammatory compound, these abilities can over some remarkable benefits to your brain.


Coffee it’s a wake-up call. Also it’s a brain booster, because coffee comes packing a one or two punch for your brain. It’s brimming with caffeine and oxidants,two vital components  that helps blister your brain health.

 6.NUTS : 

Nuts it’s not just a great Snack. They are also a boon for your brain. There’s been a heap of research linking regular. Nut consumption heart health. As you know a healthy heart and a healthy brain go hand in hand. After all brain relies on a robust blood allow from strong heart.


Pumpkin seeds these tins pawer houses are loaded with antioxidants, that guard your body and brain from damaging free radicals. Pumpkin seeds are also fantastic source of same very important nutrients. Your brain, magnesium, iron, zinc and copper. Adding pumpkin seeds to your diet could potential give your brain.

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