



Avocado is a unique fruit multiple nutritional benefits, numerous studies continue to show its incredible effects on your appearance and health. So if you ate just one avocado a day, how would your body response and with the result your body would really be amazing. Will answer all those questions and more in this article.

Your breath will be fresh all the time, the primary cause of bad breath is in Indigestion and  upset stomach, but there will be no more once you make an avocado part of daily menu. This fruit has bacterial and antioxidant flavonoids which kill bacteria in your mouth and make your breath fresh.

 It’s So Good At Doing Its Job That It May Even Prevent Oral Cancer, yess you heard us correctly. Scientist from Ohio State University conducted a study, and it showed nutrients from has avocados can thwart oral cancer cells not only killing them but also preventing precancerous cells, from developing into full cancers so we suggest it’s time to throw your breath, freshener away and replace it with delicious avocado.

Your kidneys will work more efficiently miraculous mineral to be found in avocados, potassium remember its name, we’ll Talk About It A Bit Later Anyway Potassium Helps Your System. Keep healthy fluid balance through chemical channels for sales and organs, a good fluid balance allows your kidneys to function better. 

That’s why avocados are highly recommended for patients with kidney disease, but theres one small exception if you suffer from hyper potus emia you should stay as far away from avocados as you possibly can. The high amount of potassium in this fruit is dangerous for you and can lead all kinds of unnecessary health problems. If you don’t have this condition but still doubtful as to whether you should add avocados to your died or not. Consult your doctor to get the whole picture and find out all the details.

Your cholesterol and triglyceride levels will decrease, high cholesterol or triglyceride levels are never good but what matters most is that cholesterol and triglyceride markers are linked to increase risk of heart disease. Not exactly good news but that’s when avocados come to the rescue once again. There are two types of cholesterol low density lip protein or LDL which plants in your arteries and high density lipoprotein or HDL. 

Which Can Form Plaques In Your arteries, and hight density lipoprotein HDL, which Behaves Way Better In Your System By Transporting Excess Cholesterol To Your Liver. Which later removes it from your Body, specialist from Mexico conducted the study that showed how eating avocados regularly lowers the bad LDL cholesterol and blood triglycerides up to 22%. And increases HDL cholesterol up to 11%. Just one more reason to fall in love with avocados.

Your lifer will Function more efficiently, health concerns regarding the liver can be hard to solve let’s be real. Nothing is impossible avocados this fruit is actually one of the best product, for a liver friendly diet And that’s all ability to help your body produce glutathione. The lifer desperately craves antioxidant to filter out harmful substances and protected from damage. 

Avocados also contain vitamin C and E a pawer combination that can neutralize free radicals in No Time Protecting Your Liver Even Mor Vitamin E can also team up with vitamin K. Also found avocados to quell cellular inflammation So small avocado truly be your livers protector, against the surprisingly wide variety of conditions. And all things evil a true jack of all trades of the fruit world.

Your blood pressure will become lower. If you suffer from high blood pressure, avocado should be your best friends at all times. Remember the potassium that we talked about earlier, it’s ability to regulate the fluid balance benefits your blood pressure too. In this case potassium prevents osteoporosis  and most importantly lower your blood pressure. 

This was confirmed by many studies including one conducted by the department of physiological sciences at the federal university of Espirito Santo in Vitoria Brazil. The final results were quite impressive, people Who Consumed Mostly Potassium Rich Foods Had Systolic Blood Pressure That Was 6 mm hg Lower. And diastolic blood pressure that was 4 MM HG lower, so if you still for a menu changes that might lower blood pressure, 

avocados should be at top of your list.

Your vision  improved your eye health is closely connected to your overall well-being Which in turn significantly depends on what you eat and out of all the products available your Eyes Will Certainly Appreciate The Inclusion Of Avocados In Your Daily Food Intake. 

Thing Is avocados are high and antioxidants, especially carotenoids called lutein and zeanthin which protector our eyes harmful blue light. A study  conducted by specialist, from china stated that the intake of carotenoids is proportional to the levels in the retinas. So the more lutein and zeanthin rich foods you, The healthier you are redness will be French English scientists also stated that lutein and zeanthin reduced the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration.

You will have extra Protect from cancer, the ability of avocados to give that extra bit of protection from cancer Comes from the carotenoids  and mono-saturated fat. They contain both of which make their own contribution to the impressive reduction of cancer Including breast cancer and prostate cancer.

 Numerous studies conducted by specialist all over the world, showed that avocados organic compounds. Caused cancerous cells to undergo apoptosis or to put simply automatic cell death. Quite a result for a simple fruit right. Although there is still much research of being conducted,in the hope of determining the other cancer types. And avocados can help their posative effect on the system remain undeniable.

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