


1. Beans

We want to start with one that isn’t too scary. If you’re new to the world healthy eating, you can find a million and one awesome and easy recipes. that Can Help You Incorporate More Beans Into Your Daily Meal Plan. Beans is a pretty broad label, like when we say, beans it can mean anything.

From kidney beans, legumes, chickpeas, or lentils, there’s a ton of variety lentils. Lentils are especially good. One study that showed of more than 3000 people it was discovered, that those who made lentils and legumes a big part of their diet, had the lowest rate of diabetes. 

Kidney beans are also another great choice. When talking about diabetes, one study that showed the kidney beans can keep blood sugar levels from spiking after a meal. In general beans are packed with important vitamins and minerals, like potassium magnesium and are high in fiber.

2. Blueberries 

Blueberries are delicious, and they’re great too. That gives these berries the wonderful blue purple color, are also any antioxidant, which can help your body off harmful damage, to your cell. Also can help reduce your risk of cancer. 

When it comes to diabetes, research shows, that the anthocyanin and blueberries can help with insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels. You don’t have to stick strictly to blueberries, you can mix it up with raspberries, blackberries or berries try combining them with our next food on the list.

3. Oatmeal 

Oatmeal might not be in the morning, with the help of adding some blueberries and nuts. It can be a healthy and delicious way to start your day. Oatmeals a great breakfast option because it’s full of fiber, which can help keep you longer. So you won’t be tempted by those sugary snacks.

In the vending machine at work not to mention oatmeal, can help lower cholesterol. Keep in mind. There are a lot of sugar oatmeal brands out there, so try to stick to the basic steel cut oatmeal. Which is the least Process. In General You Wanna Stick To The Whole Single Ingredient Foods For A Healthy Diet.

This type of oatmeal isn’t very sweet that  is why adding something like berries can make us a delicious and healthy meal or snack. The food on the list is something that also goes well with breakfast.

4. Eggs

Eggs we don’t mean eating a bunch of eggs every morning but in moderate amounts can be really healthy. As packed with healthy benefits one egg contains choline which is great for your memory 6 Gm of protein and lutein. Which Is Good For Your Eye Health.


Hight cholesterol is a worry factor, when it comes to eating eggs. So if you’re concerned you can stick to the egg whites, that contain hardly. Any cholesterol are almost entirely protein. Let’s stick to our breakfast, let’s stick to our breakfast trend with our food on the list.

5. Oranges 

Oranges and citrus fruits, like oranges and grapefruits are a fantastic source of fiber. When you eat the whole fruit, fiber can help you digest food, more slowly keeping you full and letting your body absorb the proper nutrients. Fiber rich foods like citrus fruits are low and added.

Sugar have less calories and can help reduce the risk of heart disease, type two diabetes and colon cancer. When it comes to diabetes that one study showed, eating citrus fruits can lower the risk of diabetes men and women. The risk when talking about fiber, you can’t ignore vegetables, which brings us to our next food

6. Broccoli

Broccoli, broccoli or cruciferous vegetable brussels sprouts cauliflower cabbage and kale are good for anyone with or without diabetes because they contain what is believed to be anti-cancer and disease. Fighting compounds like sulfur and Sophia sates broccoli is very high in fiber, protein, and loaded with vitamins.you can eat broccoli raw food to make it taste.

7. Olive oil

Olive oil whether this might not be a food that you can take in your lunch. It can be a flavor booster to some great healthy options on the list. You can add it to vegetables like broccoli or salad, which is a healthy meal option for olive. Oil is a great source of healthy fats mono-saturated fats.

Which could lower your risk Cholesterol, when it comes to diabetes can help control blood sugar. Keep in mind, olive oil is pretty high in calories and don’t go overboard.

8. Salmon

Salmon and other fatty fish are source omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty acids can reduce the risk of heart disease and inflammation in the body. Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids are often called fatty fish and don’t include salmon. It can also mean herring trout cod mackerel sardines and more.

For those diabetes, a study recommended that you eat these types of fatty fish twice a week.

9. Dark

Dark leafy greens foods like kale spinach collards and leafy vegetables. Which are great for your health in general. They’re also full of vitamins like vitamin A C E and k. They’re also a good source of iron, calcium and potassium. Potassium has been shown to blood pressure which is very beneficial for those diabetes.

Try Incorporating into your diet by adding it to Salaad making kale chips or putting it into a smoothie. The next item on our list is a great snack or if you can add it to a meal.

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