



Foods to lower cholesterol fastso important to make sure that we are looking after our bodies and staying healthy. People Find It Easy To Know What They Need To Do To Stay Physically Fit And Get That Overall Look, that they want but people can do so much exercise and neglect to think about ways they can keep their heart healthy.

Yes exercise does help to improve our cardiovascular health, however one of the most important things to really make sure. Our health is functioning to the best of its ability is for us to eat healthy. Cholesterol is something that can badly affect our heart, as it builds up and block our crucial arteries.

-In generally weaken our cardiovascular health, therefore one of the best ways to improve our heart health is to eat foods that lower our cholesterol levels. In this article i will show you 10 foods that are ideal for helping to lower your cholesterol levels.

1. Citrus fruits

It’s one type of food that is great for lowering cholesterol and also very tasty, citrus fruits contain a lot of soluble fiber which helps to encourage your body to get rid of cholesterol. And prevent your liver from creating multiple studies that can help reduce your cholesterol levels by About 10%. If you can’t handle citrus fruits such as oranges or lemon grapes and strawberries are alternative fruits that work in the same way.

2. Nuts

Something else that is extremely good for your heart is nuts in particular almond walnuts. Numerous studies showed that snacking on nuts throughout the day, every day can help lower cholesterol levels by about 5% the way they work. They contain a compound called phytosterols which have a very similar structure to cholesterol and lower levels by blocking its absorption in the intestines. Nuts also have additional benefits to your heart as they contain essential nutrients, that can help lower your blood pressure and lower your risk of cardiovascular disease.

3. Oats 

Oats are great cholesterol as they contain a lot of soluble fiber, which as mentioned previously in the article, helps to promote the removal of cholesterol from your body. Over 45 studies found that the eating more oats and other whole grain foods in general reduce your cholesterol levels by about 20%. It is so easy to incorporate oats your day , some oatmeal or porridge and maybe even add some fruits in there to get an extra bit of soluble fiber and make it even taste.

4. Avocados

Avocados are a great food. They have so many different health benefits. One of these benefits is that they can help to lower cholesterol, the nutrients they contain which help them to do, this are mono-saturated fats and fiber. There was even a study that showed individuals who is eat one of avocado and reported significantly lower levels of cholesterol than those who did not. It is so easy to use avocados in your meals great option is to have it on top of some whole grain bread whole grain Bread.

5. fatty fish

Fatty fish contains healthy fat which has a lot of omega-3 in it, this is great for the body as it helps to lower the level of triglycerides in our blood, which intern helps to prevent any of normalities. Occurring in the functioning of our hearts another way that fatty fish works to lower your cholesterol.

-If you replace most of the you eat with fatty fish, meat contains a lot of lipid proteins which causes cholesterol to build up. Therefore if you replace it with fatty fish which contains a much lower level of these proteins then you will reduce your cholesterol buildup.

6. Dark chocolate

This is one I’m sure you will be happy to hear you will actually have a valid reason to eat chocolate, although it does need to be dark chocolate. Dark chocolate and Coco in general has been clinically proven to lower the levels of that cholesterol in our body.

-There have also been studies that show that not only does dark chocolate reduce bad cholesterol but it increases the good healthy cholesterol that we need. Additionally it is the oxidation of cholesterol which causes an issue and increases our risk of heart Disease.

-Dark chocolate helps to prevent this oxidation and therefore low risk of heart disease however it is best to choose dark chocolate that is 70 to 85% otherwise he can contain a lot of milk and sugar which isn’t healthy.

7. Soy

So many people don’t include in their diet at all but it’s actually so good for you. Study of 35 individuals show them when they had soy in every day, they reported lower levels of bad cholesterol and increase levels of good cholesterol. It is proven to be most effective in people who already have high cholesterol, as it helps to quickly bring it down. And soy is a great solution for those struggling with heart issues, you can get Soy from soy beans soymilk and tofu. 

8. Vegetables 

I am sure you are aware of how healthy and vegetables are to your diet, we are all always being told we need to eat a day and that is because they really do bring us so many health benefits. One of these benefits is that similar to citrus fruits, vegetables contain a high amount of the soluble fiber, therefore improves the bodies ability to remove bad cholesterol. 

-Vegetables that are particularly great for lowering cholesterol or okra eggplants carrots and peas. They are so easy to incorporate into absolutely any meal and won’t only lower your cholesterol levels but will provide you with so many overall health improvements.

 9. Beans

Another legumes have been proven to be extremely effective at lowering your levels of cholesterol in your body. In fact one study found that levels were significantly lowered in 25 people who had about half a cup of beans every single day. It works because they contain a lot of soluble fiber and they take your body a while to digest. 

-Which helps keep you feeling for longer and will therefore prevent you from eating other unhealthy foods, that contain more cholesterol. Beans can also help to generally reduce your risk of ardiovascular disease when you replace process foods and meets for them and have even been shown to help aid and weight loss. 

10. Garlic

Garlic is so good at helping to lower your cholesterol levels. Studies have proven that garlic and significantly lower your levels of bad cholesterol. As well as your blood pressure which means it is so good for the health of your heart. However need to have a lot of garlic in order for these effects to really show, therefore you can actually get supplements for garlic. That means you can get the amount you need to really improve your health, you can also use garlic in any meal to help. Add some seasoning and flavor.

So there you have 10 foods that can help lower your cholesterol levels, they are all foods that are so easy to incorporate into every day meals and can be so tasty. It is so important that we remember to look after our hearts and not only by doing exercisehealth is affected by 80% by what we eat.

-And only 20% by the physical activity that we do so it is so important that you really focus on your diet and make sure you are consuming clean, and healthy food. so why not go and grab yourself a bowl of oatmeal with some soy milk and strawberries. I will promise you your heart will thank you for it after.

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