



Anti-aging foods to boost glowing skin If your eyes are the window to your soul then your skin is the window to your health your Skin Reflects What you Eat and That’s Why Topical Creams and Lotions Can Only Do So Much For Its Appearance. Since aging starts from the inside out it’s only logical to start caring for your skin from the inside out as well the good news is that you can easily do this by eating right.

1. fatty fish

fish that are high in omega-3 fatty, acids salmon mackerel herring sardines tuna or essential for healthy glowing skin. Omega-3 fatty acid keep the skin supple and moisturized and reduce inflammation. These are also a great source of vitamin E which has antioxidant properties and zinc. zinc is a wound healing mineral get rid of acne and irritations.

2. Nuts

Nuts just like fish nuts are rich omega fatty acid zinc and vitamin E on top of that. They contain other minerals and vitamins that keep your skin young and glowing. By eating nuts regularly you’ll supply your body with several B vitamins including folate which prevents dermatitis selenium which is another antioxidant for the skin vitamin C  which has anti-aging properties.

Walnuts are especially beneficial if you want your skin to stay young long as possible as they delay skin aging. Walnut is also a great moisturizer. In addition these nuts can help you get rid of dark circles under your eyes as for other nuts almond cashews are almost as useful as walnuts.

3. Avocado

Avocado another food filled healthy that improve your skin elasticity, and moisture barrier. One more benefit is that avocados are rich and carotenoids which protect the skin from damage. A study was conducted involved 82 airline pilots and other people who often traveled by plane. 

It’s a known fact that people are exposed to harmful ionizing radiation but the subject of the experiment who eat avocados suffered much less DNA damage.

what makes avocado stand out?

However is that they contain D menahem telos a unique phytochemical that is believe stimulate collagen production.

4. Green Tea

Green tea a favorite many people. Green tea is not tasty but also highly beneficial for your skins health. It’s full of polyphenol and catechins and these are antioxidants that produce skin redness by fighting inflammation. They also effectively protect your skin from damage. At the same time even if you drink several cups of green tea every day in the summer don’t forget to use sunscreen every time you go outside this is crucial for your health.

5. Yogurt And Kefir

Yogurt and kefir are packed full of probiotics. That helps your skin look young by reducing redness irritation and acne. The friendly bacteria inflammation in the gut which is where a lot of skin problems take route. You can also apply yogurt to your face as a facial mask. This is a great way to rejuvenate your skin Acid. and yogurt has anti-aging and exfoliating properties to reduce fine lines and give your face a healthy glow.

6. Honey

Honey is a natural moisturizer with bacterial properties. It’s no wonder that it’s beneficial for the skin. Honey is typically used DIY facemask and applied topically to reduce inflammation acne and moisturize dry skin. Such types of honey as Manuka and kanika are especially effective for these purposes. Eating honey is also a good idea especially if you use it to replace others sweets.

7. Blueberries

Blueberries berries are great for your skin and your in general blueberries are often called us super food. They are rich source of antioxidants and therefore your skin damage from free radicals can’t avoid. These damaging molecules as they come from pollution cigarette smoke light and so on.

They penetrate deep into your skin and only certain antioxidants like the ones in blueberries can protect you and repair your skin from the inside. As for the anthocyanin that blueberries contain they stabilize collagen a result your skin remains youthful and healthy for longer. anthocyanin are antioxidants found in all brightly colored vegetables and fruit especially those which are purple or deep red.

8. Oranges

There are two main reasons why oranges are good for your skin. They’re packed with vitamin C and loaded with water. Water hydrates the skin from the inside and prevent breakouts and vitamin C will also be an antioxidant. Plays a significant role in collagen and production. As for collagen it keeps your skin, supple and firm preventing sagginess and wrinkles.

9. Pomegranates

pomegranates just like oranges. This fruit is rich and skin friendly vitamin C. On top of that pomegranate contain ellagic acid and Punic Callaghan. Punic allegan is believed to increase your body capacity to preserve collagen. And elastin fights damage from free radicals and slows the breakdown of collagen. Combine with the collagen boosting powers of vitamin C and you’ll get a real miracle worker for your skin.

10. Tomatoes

tomatoes besides one more source of vitamin C contain major carotenoids such as lycopene lutein alpha carotene and beta carotene. Antioxidant carotenoids protect your skin from sun damage and prevent wrinkles. They’re also naturally anti-inflammatory to read the full benefits of tomatoes. It’s best to cook them a healthy fat such as olive oil rather than eat them raw.

Eating them cooked your body to absorb more lycopene. In addition you apply tomatoes directly to your skin. You’ll find different recipes all over the Internet. tomatoes will help you to get glowing skin and prevent signs of aging. On top of all that they can also work as an effective natural sunscreen and protect your skin from dangerous UV rays.

11. Spinach and Kale

Green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale are full of vitamins that the skin loves including vitamins C  vitamins A and vitamin E. vitamins A controls sebum production. vitamins C boosts collagen and vitamin E protects oxidative damage.

Together they help your skin remain moisturized plump and wrinkles spots. Both spinach and kale are also anti-inflammatory, flareups in your gut and therefore your skin.

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