



what Will Happen If You Eat Two Bananas A Day?

Healthy food isn’t always tasty, but with regard to bananas this isn’t the case.

Did you know that bananas bring a great many benefits to your health?

Eating Just Two Bananas A Day Can Truly Transform Your Body In A Month, Don’t miss our little bonus, you look gorgeous every single day without wasting money on cosmetics.

-Bananas don’t get much credit despite being one of the most popular foods in the world, some How They Just Became Underrated Without People Knowing Their Amazing Health Benefits, The Day To Change Your Mind About This Wonderful Fruit.

1. You lose weight

bananas Are Rich In Fiber Which Makes You No Longer Want To Eat Once Consumed. Bananas also contain kind of starch that reduces your appetite and stops you gaining weight, it reduces the level of sugar in your blood and raises your body sensitivity. To Insulin If You Body Cells Aren’t Sensitive To Insulin.

-They Can’t Absorb Glucose And Your Pancreas Begins To Produce It In Larger Quantities, whether The Body Accumulates Fat, Depends On The Insulin Present. Also weight loss is one of the most effective changes for controlling blood pressure.

2. Arterial pressure return to normal

The average in western culture delivers too much sodium and little potassium, in turn bananas contain very little sodium but a lot of potassium, which is great for your heart health. Eating Just Two Bananas A Day Can Reduce High Blood Pressure And Decrease Your Risk Of Heart Diseases, also add bananas to your diet reduces the risk of death from strokes by 40%. 

3. Stress levels falls

It widely known bananas can improve your mood, they Contain Tryptophan Which Is Required By Your Body To Receive Serotonin. Also Known As The Happiness Hormone, Contains around 27 milligram of magnesium. magnesium Helps Your Heart Muscles And Immune System Function Properly, also This Mineral Is Responsible For Producing A Good Mood And Healthy Sleep, as A Result It Makes You Feel More Relaxed And Happier. 

4. The risk Anemia falls

Anemia causes paleness tiredness and breathlessness, It’s the result of a reduction in red blood cells and a lower level of hemoglobin in the blood. Ananas Contain A Lot Of Iron Which Stimulates The Production Of Red Blood Cells, Increasing The Ted Blood Cells Improves Blood Flow In Your Body, also bananas contain vitamin B6 which regulates blood glucose levels helping people with anemia.

5. Digestion improves

Bananas are easily digested don’t irritate the gastrointestinal tract, resistance starch contained bananas is not digested and ends up in the large intestine, where it serves as an effective nutritional medium, for healthy bacteria. Bananas Can Be Eaten When A Person Has Gastritis And They Restore The Minerals When A Person Suffers From Diarrhea. Also bananas are naturally anti-acid so eating two bananas a day less than the heartburn symptoms.

6. Your vitamin Deficit Will Be Filled Up

Bananas are rich and nutrients vitamins and natural sugar sucrose and fruit. On average one banana contains around 20% percent of your daily requirement of vitamin B6 this Helps Your Body Produce Insulin Hemoglobin And Amino Acids, That Are Needed For The Creation Of Healthy Cells.

Although we usually think that oranges in strawberries contain the greatest amount of vitamin C, bananas contain 15% of our daily normal of this important substance. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant, that neutralize harmful free radicals, active molecules with electrons that can destroy the body cells, it also helps keep blood vessels healthy and produces collagen.

7. Your energy levels increase 

The potassium contained in bananas protect your muscles from cramps and the carbohydrates, provide you with enough energy to endure heavy workout. It’s Hard To Believe But The Energy You Get By Eating Two Bananas Is Enough For A 90 Minute Workout.

Get it in bonus!

 You can also use bananas cosmetic to make an amazing banana mask, you’ll need a banana the white one egg the juice of one lemon and olive oil, mixed the banana with the whipped egg white and then add the lemon juice, and a few drops of olive oil. Apply the mask before going to shower so that you can easily wash off when you get into the tub this mask, relieves chronic fatigue and get your skin off fresh and healthy look.

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