



Nine calcium rich foods you should be eating we all need to make sure we’re getting enough eating. We all need to make sure getting enough calcium in our diets. whether We’re Looking To Support Our Bone Health Or Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure Levels. It turns out that plenty of foods we eat regularly are high in calcium and many of them aren’t even dairy products. We will learn This article about the 9 calcium rich foods You should be eating every day.

1. Dried fix

Just one dried fig contains 36 mg of calcium, The same amount found in a glass of milk figs also contain many essential vitamins and minerals including iron which helps your body make red blood cells, that carry oxygen to your organs.

-When shopping for dried figs make sure to look for dried unsolved varieties, Sulfur compounds are added to fix to preserve them but they can create unwanted flavors and aromas.

2. Broccoli 

Among another green vegetables, broccoli as a good source of calcium and vitamin C It’s also one of many vegetables containing Sulforaphane. In a six-week study published in the journal carcinogenesis mice-fed broccoli sprouts, we’re significantly less likely to develop skin lesions. 

-When exposed to harmful UV rays than animals who weren’t given any sprouts, However to be effective you’ll need to eat a relatively large quantity of broccoli sprouts about one cup per day. In addition research has shown that it takes about two weeks for Sulforaphane to affect your skin, So don’t expect results overnight. 

3. Soybeans

 Soybeans contain more calcium than almost any other food, Soy beans are also a good source of potassium dietary fiber folate and magnesium. The soybean is a common component in many foods including tofu and Tempe. One cup of cooked soybeans has 376 mg of calcium which is 46% of your daily value, This is more than any other food on our list.

4. Fortified dairy products

Dairy products are an excellent source of calcium, The next time you’re cooking dinner reach for a block of cheese or a carton of milk on you’ll be adding a healthy dose of calcium to your meal. Many dairy products on grocery store shelves contain added nutrients like vitamin D, Making it easier for your body to absorb calcium and help prevent osteoporosis.

5. Tofu

Tofu as a calcium rich food that has been shown to promote bone health and prevent osteoporosis. In fact in one study conducted by researchers at UCLA tofu consumption was linked to higher bone density and lower risk of hip fractures for post menopausal women.

6. Spinach

For those looking to boost their calcium intake spinach as a top 10 choice. One cup of spinach provides about 30% of your daily value for calcium It has over twice as much calcium per calorie as milk. It also includes vitamin K and antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin that protect against cancer. If don’t want to eat fresh frozen spinach can also be a great source of calcium if you don’t like raw greens.

7. Oranges

One cup of sliced oranges provides about 80 milligrams of calcium, Both oranges juice and zest are good sources of calcium too. Along with providing over 100% of your daily value for calcium Oranges also provide potassium folate vitamin C and thiamine. Furthermore they’re high in fiber to promote digestion and help you feel full longer.

8. kale

One of our favorite leafy greens to make a regular appearance on our plate is chock full of calcium. Just one cup of rock Hill has an entire day worth of calcium that’s more than milk. They keep in mind that although Kale is high in calcium, it’s also very high in oxalate and other compounds.

-That prevent your body from absorbing it Because of these compounds it’s recommended that those with a history of kidney stones eat kale sparingly. Those who enjoy kale rock can get a boost by adding lemon juice and sea salt to their salads. Blanching is an excellent way to release some of Kales oxalate, well preserving much of its nutritional value, If you prefer to cook your greens.

9. Blackstrap molasses

Packed with calcium iron magnesium and phosphorus It’s a versatile food that can be added to anything cure five great ways to incorporate blackstrap molasses into your diet, one blackstrap molasses porridge or yogurt number two mix it with extra-virgin olive oil and use it as a dressing for green salad.

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