



Foods that will give you energy all day. One Good Indication That You’re Eating a Healthy Balanced Diet, is if you can Keep Your eyes Wide Open and your Brain alert the Entire day at Work or school. but if you’re so close to dozing off or having a tough time making it through the afternoon slump. Then you’ve got some major diet revamping to do.

You should eat foods rich and complex carbs and protein or often or better yet every day to ensure you have the energy to last the day. The goal is to keep your blood sugar stabilized. Also stay away from foods that caused drastic spikes, and as they’ll only make you feel starving and sluggish later. Examples of foods that will give you all day energy, are bananas eggs peanuts and many more, which we will talk through one by one in a little while. So stay tuned.

1. oatmeal:

better way to start your day, healthy and energetic oatmeal. Oatmeal is a high fiber food which makes it extremely filling. Beta- Glucan is a Soluble Fiber Found in Oats. It forms of thick gel when mixed with water. The presence of this gel in the digestive system, works to delay stomach emptying. what’s more it can delay the absorption of glucose into the blood. 

Therefore, you can ensure that your blood sugar level stay stable going back, it takes so long to digest fiber providing you with long lasting energy. Even when you eat oatmeal at breakfast, it will power you through for several hours. It’s one of the top healthy choices for breakfast and definitely a great replacement for white toast and jelly. Oats are also packed vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, iron and managese. All of aid in the production of energy.

2. Eggs:

Eggs are another breakfast stable from many people. if you don’t like oats and eggs are a perfect option. Better yet eat both for more energy, whether you start your day with eggs or pack a hard boiled egg, as it to go snack either way you’re sure to get lasting energy. Eggs contain tons of protein and nutrients for sustainable energy.

One large hard boiled egg has around 6 g of protein, and 5 g of fat, the protein and healthy fats of eggs, are also beneficial and keeping your blood sugar level stable. It helps prevent afternoon slump and sugar cravings, which usually come later after eating carbohydrate dense foods. What or more egg supply with Lucine and amino acid that stimulates energy production. It also increases the breakdown of fat to produce energy.

3. Brown rice:

Brown rice is a highly nutritious food. unlike white rice it’s less processed meaning it has more nutritional value, in the form of vitamins minerals and fiber. A 50 gram serving of rice contains 2 g of fiber, and a large amount of your RDI or recommended daily intake of eat manganese. Manganese helps enzymes break down carbs and protein to create energy.

On top of that brown rice has a low glycemic index with fiber Content. In other words eating brown rice, helps regulate your blood sugar levels, allowing steady energy levels throughout the day. Compared to white rice brown rice retains much of the fiber from the husk, thus slowing the digestion of carbs and releasing energy more slowly.

4. Hummus:

Do you enjoy eating hummus?

Hummus is a combination of chickpeas, sesame seed paste oil and lemon. These ingredients all work together to make hummus an excellent source of lasting energy. Chickpeas are a good source of complex, carbs and fiber of which can be used for steady energy. Fiber also stabilizes blood sugar and takes the edge of hunger on top of boosting your energy. 

The sesame paste oil contain healthy fats. These ingredients support the slow absorption of carbs, eliminating blood sugar spikes oil contain healthy fats these ingredients support the slow absorption of carbs, the eliminating blood sugar spikes. You can use hummus as a dip for veggies like carrot sticks and have it as a mid afternoon snack. alternately, you can use it as a sandwich spread to replace the high fat calorie dense mayonnaise.

5. Lentil:

We all know lentil, an excellent inexpensive protein rich food, but lentils are also jampacked with nutrients, not to mention our grade for boosting energy levels. Lentils are legumes loaded with carbs in fiber. A single cup of lentils provides up to 15 g of fiber 18 g of protein and 40 g of carbs.

Furthermore lentils make energy boosting foods by replenishing your body stores of folate manganese zinc and iron. These nutrients facilitates cellular energy production, as well as the breakdown of nutrients for the release of energy. Iron in particular is essential in producing energy, which is why an anemic people are those with iron deficiency feel tired and lethargic.

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