



12 Pregnancy Foods to Grow the Healthiest Baby and Maximize Brain Development. Maintaining a healthy diet is important whether you’re pregnant or not but can you nutrients that come from Whole Foods are essential in your babies brain development. In this article  you will know in detail about the foods to eat during pregnancy for your babies. Brain development.

1. spinach:

Spinach contains calcium vitamin A vitamin C fiber iron and folic acid however, the high iron content of spinach is why you should include it in your diet, anemia is a concern during pregnancy and following birth. Extra ion also encourages the development of the babies red blood cells.

2. Algae oil:

you have likely hear before the omega-3 DHA, is vital to the formation of your eyes, brain and nervous system. Traditionally dietitians recommend fish as the best source of DHA, however algae oil is a plant based source of DHA omega-3.

3. Fish:

Fish are a good source of DHA, because they eat micro algae, to eat the algae oil is to go directly to the source. Research shows that it increases blood DHA the same as fish oil, but it has the benefit of not contributing to overfishing, global warming and destroying our coral reef. It is lower in mercury and toxins than fish and also has neutral flavors, for those of you who don’t like fishy flavor

4. Eggs:

Eggs are an excellent source of protein, and egg yolks are One of the best sources of choline. Choline is important for the development of the memory center of the brain and neural tube formation. One study found over half of pregnant women (54%) had a choline deficiency. If you don’t eat eggs you can ask your provider about a supplement. 

5. Dark leafy Greens:

Dark leafy greens like spinach Swiss chard kale and collards, are terrific sources of calcium iron vitamin K and folic acid, as well as other necessary vitamins. They help with the formation of baby’s tissues, build a healthy blood supply and contribute to bone growth. They also protect your babies DNA from methylation changes. High folate helped neural tube development, protecting against neural tube defects. And vitamin K helps to reduce the risk of postpartum hemorrhage. Eating vegetables with a fat sources, (such as oil butter avocado or ghee) also helps the absorption of the fat soluble vitamins, in green vitamin A vitamin D vitamin E and vitamin K.

6. Meat on the bone and bone broth:

Lean meats are good source of protein. It’s the bones, skin and connective tissue, that you get from meat on the bone or bone broth. That is high in collagen, gelatin calcium magnesium iron and zinc. Iron is important to carry oxygen to your growing baby. Gelatin and collagen are rich sources of glycine, that is important for bone tissue, and organ development of your baby especially in the third trimester. Iron and zinc help protect, to lower the risk of miscarriage pre-term delivery anemia stillbirth and neural tube defects.

7. Legumes Beans And Lentils:

Legumes are nutritional houses include beans peas soybeans peanuts and lentils. They are an excellent source of folate potassium iron and magnesium, as well as essential fatty acids. They also contain phytochemical, which helps protect against oxidate stress and inflammation, and they decreased the risk of developing chronic diseases.

8. Nuts And Seeds:

Nuts and seeds contain protein. They are rich in healthy fats folate vitamin E magnesium and fiber. The fiber found in nuts and seeds, are  helpful in eating digestion and healthy fats, aid in neurological and brain development of your baby.

 9. Sweet Potato:

Sweet potato rich in betacarotene, which the body convert into vitamin A. Vitamin A is an essential for the growth and differentiation of cells with lung development and maturation being particularly important.

10. Avocados:

Avocados are rich in the keratinoid lutein. Lutein has powerful antioxidants properties and important for your babies, high development and brain function. 

Avocados Are also high, vitamin C folate magnesium and potassium. Getting enough Potassium, may also help regulate blood pressure is pregnancy. 

11. Berries:

Berries Such as blueberry strawberries blackberries and raspberries, are high vitamin C antioxidants fiber potassium and folate. vitamin C helps the body absorb iron, which helps carry oxygen to your baby.

12. Chia Seeds:

Chia seeds are rich in calcium magnesium iron potassium and fiber. They have the ideal balance of soluble to insoluble fiber, to help regulate bowel movement, and maintain healthy gut bacteria levels. Start with a teaspoon and one 2 tablespoons per day. I’ve also included recipes using Chia seeds in the meal plan.

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