



Oatmeal is a very popular breakfast food consist of oats and a liquid such as water cows milk or plant-based milk full of nutrients and fiber, oats Are One Of The Most Nutritious Whole-Grain Foods.

That can consume following our health benefits of oatmeal that you probably never knew.

1. Help control weight

Oatmeal is highly recommended for people who want to lose weight without going on any crash diets, Oatmeal Contains High Amounts Of Dietary Fiber Nutrients Low Calories And A Small Amount Of Fat which makes it the best food for weight loss.

According to a research study publishing the October 2009 issue of molecular nutrition and food research, a compound in oatmeal known as beta glucan reduces appetite by increasing the hunger fighting hormone call system.

2. reduces blood pressure

We All Know That Heart Disease Is A Major Problem In north America And Throughout The World, one study published in the American journal of clinical nutrition found a diet which includes plenty of whole grains such as odor wholemeal bread.

Is Just As Effective As Taking Anti Hypertensive Medication, oatmeal is also known as a comfort food, reduces the levels of stress hormones and serotonin Feeling of calmness, all Of This Also Contributes To A Low Blood Pressure. 

3. Reduces cholesterol

Compared to other grains actually have the highest portion of soluble fiber, soluble fiber helps your intestinal tract trap substances associated with blood cholesterol.

Studies shows the people with high blood cholesterol who eat just 3g of soluble fiber per day can reduce their total cholesterol by 8% to 23%. Remember that one cup of oats yield 4g.

4. Shields your Skin

if You Look Closely On The Labels Of Some Of Your Lotions Or Face Creams You Probably Will See Oatmeal In There, at some point in history some discovered how great oatmeal is for dry itchy irritated skin.

The Starchiness Of Oats Creates A Barrier That Allows The Skin To Moisture While The Rougher Fibrous Husk, The Oat Acts As A Gentle Exfoliant.

5. Lower Risk Of Colon Cancer

cancer Of The Colon Is Horrible And Can Be Very Painful, one study pulled by researchers in Britain in the Netherlands published evidence that there was a link between people high fiber diet mainly from whole grains and cereals like oats to lower risk of colorectal cancer.

Also cover nearly 2 million people and specifically found it for every additional 10g of fiber in someone’s diet, there is a 10% reduction in their risk of developing colorectal cancer.

6. Stabilize  Blood sugar

We have all experienced to sugar crash or a mid morning slump, as a result of oatmeal high soluble fiber content sugar is released slowly into the bloodstream.

It’s important to know that steel cut oats will have more of an effect on stabilizing your blood sugar.

Than instant oats because they are less processed, and have more soluble fiber, Because it takes longer to digest you’ll feel longer.

7. Athletic performance

oatmeal is a great Carbohydrate and protein source, Providing Calories and energy for energy needs, oats have been Shown in scientific studies to Favorably alter Metabolism and enhance performance when ingested 40 minute’s to 1 hour before exercise moderate intensity.

Oatmeal are absorb much in the body and gives you a longer lasting boost, in addition to not spiking your blood sugar levels, and the B vitamins like thin niacin work together and  help your body metabolize energy.

8. Enhances Immune Response To Disease

Oatmeal has been heavily studied in relation to the immune systems response to disease and infection, the Beta lucan in Oatmeal can Enhance your immunity levels.

Majority of immune cells in your body have special receptors that are designed to absorb glucan, this kicks up activity of the white blood cells and protects against disease also rich in selenium and the that play part in fighting infections.

9. Helps You Sleep

Our society has engraved in oatmeal is a breakfast food, although it is also wise choice before bedtime, in fact the Scottish recommended oatmeal in the evening to get you feeling nice and sleepy.

Why is oatmeal good before bed? 

Oats actually contain melatonin and complex carbohydrates can help more into the brain and help sleep, further more oatmeal contains vitamins including B6 which is a cofactor that also eat in the production of more serotonin in the brain.

10. promotes Antioxidant Activity

Oatmeal is loaded With antioxidants called aven n3 meals which are unique to oats, antioxidants are important because they protect cells from free radicals which molecules produce through metabolism and exposure to environmental toxins.

Free radicals increase risk of cancer and heart disease because they are unstable, Aven anthro meets antioxidants inhibit inflammation and boost production of nitric oxide Which prevent hardening of your arteries.

In fact a study published 2010 in nutrition and cancer showed the avidan through meads and oats Decrease the spread of colon cancer cells.

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