



We are cautioned to get sweet foods when we’re trying to lose weight or get healthier in general, but if you’re on a health kick and still having cravings for something sweet, we have some good news.

There’s one delicious treat that might be the key to a wide range of health benefits dates, grown natively and tropical climates dates or fruits that come from deep palm trees you mostly find dates usually mule or Deglet varieties for sale.

In the United States and they’re dried form, they have a sweet flavor and slightly chewy texture and often used in all natural sugar substitutes in baking another recipes, but The Best Part About Them Isn’t Even Their Sweet Taste.

These fruits are super nutritious, providing you range of health benefits, and in today’s article will tell you what eating three dates every day for a week could do for your body from strengthening your bones, lowering blood pressure, improving heart health promoting brain health to improving your eyesight and more.

1. Lower blood pressure

Dates are an excellent source of potassium mineral that plays significant role in maintaining normal blood pressure it also relieves muscular pain and overall fatigue. Fortunately potassium is present in many health foods such as bananas peas salmon and broccoli as well. In fact one mild date can contain close to 160 mg of potassium.

The fact the date in general or high in fiber also makes eating them beneficial for blood pressure. The effectiveness of high blood pressure treatment with natural foods is so high that Harvard also published a series of recommendations to treat the phenomenon drug free and it included the recommendation of eating dates and similar fruits.

2. Good for anemia

If you are trying to battle anemia you  ’ll be glad to know that it’s health benefits dates  I t’s high iron content, although you might not be able to tell it first because it’s a fruit and it’s so sweet that it doesn’t taste bad usually fruits and vegetables that are high and iron don’t taste so good for example, the bitter gourd lives up to its name because it’s bitter dates may be sweet, but they can provide just as much iron

 3. Beneficial for pregnant women

It’s a common belief among pregnant women that dates, induce labor naturally and prevent complications during delivery studies have tied eating dates to benefits for pregnant women prospective.

Study found that pregnant women who eat dates daily prior to their due dates were more likely to go into labor without artificial induction then women who didn’t eat dates. What’s more, the first stage of labor was shorter in those who eat dates in the weeks leading up to labor compared to those who didn’t eat them.

Another study found that cervical dilation was generally higher in women who consumed dates in the weeks leading up to labor compared to those who didn’t eat any dates, cervical dilation before the onset of labors and important factor for the prediction of delivery mode and a high level of cervical dilation lowers the risk of cesarean Dlivery.

4. Healthy hair

Your hair follicles require adequate nutrition for proper growth and maintenance regularly eating dates can help in this regard, dates are abundant and vitamins particularly vitamin B five.  

Which is vital for the maintenance of healthy air deficiency of this vitamin can cause hair problems like hair loss bridle hair and split ins eating dates regularly can help minimize these problems.

5. Constipation relief

Whether you go for medjool dates or regular dates you can be sure that your body will get a good dose of fiber when eating dates mule dates provide 6.7 g of fiber per 100 g and 100 g serving of deglet Noor dates provide a whopping 8 g of roughage. 

Most of the fiber present and is insoluble fiber which is helpful and relieving constipation the use of date is a natural remedy for constipation is also supported by an animal study that linked date consumption to reduce gastric transit time it’s important to keep in mind, however, that chronic constipation can sometimes be a sign of a more serious digestive disease.

6. Provides energy boost

We all know the exhaustion fatigue that hits us in the middle of the day at work and all you for that time is a comfortable bed or huge cup of coffee instead of a few more hours of work while these two options have certain advantages. 

It’s advisable to consider a third and far more logical option eating a handful of dates they contain natural sugars like glucose fructose and sucrose which are a great snack to improve energy levels very quickly.

There are also many athletes to eat dates after exercising or prolonged effort to speed up their bodies recovery process dates contain very low amounts of fat and even if you proteins about 2.5 g per 100 g of dates this makes them the perfect afternoon snack to give you a quick energy boost in a healthy way

 7. Improves heart health

Dates contain very high amounts of flavonoids. These are plant compound with pro and ability to reduce the risk of heart diseases, eating a few dates each day is a sweet and easy way to keep your heart healthy. It’s also considered a natural preventative treatment for other sclerosis.

A general name for several diseases that caused thickening and stiffening of the wall the sweetness of dates also make them a healthy snack that replaces high fat foods and sugars so they indirectly contribute to weight loss a significant risk factor that increases the risk of hard problems.

8. Regulates blood sugar

Dates are naturally low glycemic index although it is sweet it contains natural sugars that don’t spike insulin the same way processed or refined sugars do. This Means you can Enjoy these Sweet Little Fruits Without Causing a Spike to your Blood Sugar Levels.

Dates can even be eaten by diabetics who are actively monitoring their blood sugar levels, allowing them to reap the health benefits, the fiber content and dates slows down digestion and gives you a steady level of blood sugar and energy to power you up throughout the day.

9. Promotes brain health

Research suggested that eating dates can help improve brain function studies of found dates to be helpful for lowering inflammatory markers in the brain such as IL-6, high levels of IL-6 are associated with a higher risk of brain diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Additionally animals studies have shown dates to be helpful for reducing the activity of certain proteins which can form plaque in the brain when accumulate in the brain they May Disturb Communication Between Brain Cells, Which Can ultimately Lead to Brain Cell Death and Alzheimer’s Disease

10. Helps you feel full

Dates are rich and insoluble, dietary fiber, especially packed so how does this prolong these fibers which attract water increase the fluidity of stomach content hence prolonging.

The time it spins in the stomach and provides a feeling of fullness by including food, high and fiber such as dates in your overall diet and supporting this fiber intake by drinking plenty of water you’ll have a greater control over your appetite and be full for longer periods of time.

11. Protect you against diseases

Dates contain compounds that help related diseases from developing studies have shown the dates are strong source of which help repair eye tissue and antioxidant properties dates are also very useful and preventing the development of cataracts and macular degeneration in elderly individuals.

12. Improves bone

Not getting enough vitamin D from sunlight your bone health you can surely prevent this by having dates in your diet, an excellent source of calcium that help keep your bones and teeth strong.

They contain minerals, like magnesium, copper, phosphorus, and potassium, which plain important role and preventing bone related conditions, like osteoporosis and arthritis dates also help using the stiffness and pain and joints looking for ways to improve your bone health then definitely.

13. Good for your skin

Dates are Loaded with Vitamin C and Flavonoids Which can Improve the Elasticity of your Skin and Enrich the Subcutaneous Tissues. This makes your skin tender and smooth also contain vitamin B five which helps prevent skin problems like stretch marks.

Being a rich source of antioxidants can affectively counter harmful free radicals in your body. This prevents premature aging of the skin vitamin C also and dates helps to decrease the occurrence of wrinkles by resisting oxidation.

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