



Here today I wanna talk to you about the seven most hydrating foods and these are food that you should be getting especially in the summer on a regular basis and here’s a big thing to remember as well a lot of times I’ll hear people say well I’m trying to stay hydrated and they’re doing that by drinking water first off bravo all of us need to be getting a lot of water in our diet.

Here’s the thing to remember hydration is not just about H2O It’s H2O plus electrolyte you’re gonna be getting those electrolytes like potassium chloride magnesium sodium in your diet on a regular basis especially if you’re sweating frequently maybe you’re working out or doing a spinning class so you’re outside a lot remember those things use up electrolytes and water so if you really wanna stay hydrated, you need water plus electrolytes on a daily basis. Let me share with you the most hydrating food you wanna start using right away.

1. watermelon

watermelon juice eating watermelon is a great summer snack watermelon And some of these fruit I’m gonna share with you they do have some sugar in them but as long as you’re eating a die that certain vegetables healthy fat protein and you’re not consuming processed, getting a little bit of sugar from fruit for most people is fine.

Watermelon again sort of a lower calorie fruit in general but it is very very high in electrolytes one of my favorites again this is a great thing to add an in kind of a throw in a blender with a little bit of ice and actually do like sort of like a watermelon slush you’re eating watermelon I just straightened samples and great way as well.

2. Celery

Super food you wanna consider adding in for hydration is celery now I had  somebody recently asked me

What do you think with this whole celery juice craze?

Here’s what I think i love it OK there’s a lot of fags that I don’t love such as you know I remember a diet years ago or somebody was only supposed to eat grapefruit for an entire month.

That’s really not the best but just drinking some celery juice that’s fantastic celery is very very high sodium and potassium and it’s really good for what’s called electrolyte exchange in your body and so your cells are also so not only should your body be hydrated.

All of your cells should be hydrated and so celery juice helps with the electrolyte or fluid exchange within cell support cellular detoxification of so celery juice is absolutely incredible maybe number one on my list if you wanna know what the best thing is to start hydrating.

3. Coconut water

coconut water is especially high in potassium we know potassium has been shown in clinical studies to lower blood pressure it’s been shown to lower the risk of heart disease it’s been shown to help withcramping and we typically think as bananas as been good hydrating for potassium.

Which it can be but really what’s just is hight potassium if not hight is coconut water obviously it’s something a lot of people consume in the Caribbean. It’s very hot out. That’s how they stay hydrated but coconut water one of my absolute favorites

4. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits like lemons limes oranges grapefruit getting some citrus and can be great now when it comes to citrus typically don’t recommend doing just plain old orange juice what I would recommend in the place of that would be eating an orange or eating a grapefruit or adding lemon or lime juice.

Those two juices are great as well and ideally fresh squeezed or juiced at home can be gray and you can make your own lemonade at home using a little bit of Stevia which is a no calorie natural sweetener or I love honey and lime juice mixing those up together drinking that this summer is sort of a fresh limeade or lemonade is a fantastic thing to do as well. 

5. Tomatoes

Another Very hydrating food are gonna be tomatoes no tomatoes are unique they also contain the antioxidant called Lycopene which has been shown to decrease skin cancer risk and also support male prostate health and general good for everybody tomatoes are really high those phytonutrients but also is more hydrating food.

6. Peppers

Another one’s gonna be peppers specifically bell peppers whether it’s red orange yellow green but bell peppers are very very high electrolytes here’s a big bonus with bell peppers they’re one of the most vitamin C rich foods on the planet so if you wanna support your bodies awn production collagen your skin and also stay hydrated.

At the same time then doing some bell peppers is a great way to go I love using these and dipping these in guacamole. That’s a great snack if you’re on a keto diet. Diet if you wanna also do another great dip you could do something like some homemade hummus is also really good to do if you’re looking to stay hydrated.

7. Cucumber

Cucumber is super refreshing now you may have had cucumber water before but you can actually just sort of peel off the sides of cucumber and blend it in a blender and do it as part of a green juice or do the whole thing in a juicer but the thing about cucumber, you can also just cut it up put it on a salad.

Now cucumber is high electrolytes but it’s also high and some silica which is great for your skin, i used to remember we’ve always seen the movies right or maybe you’re a woman reading this and you’ve done this and putting cucumber on your face.

Why put cucumber on your face?

Two reasons one it’s electrolytes and it’s cool and it’s one of those cooling foods So it reduces inflammation and heat that remains on your skin and also time silica is been known to help strengthen collagen and your hair and your nails and specifically your skin.

So it’s great for that as well so remember when it’s hot out you wanna stay hydrated hydration isn’t just water it’s H2O It is water plus electrolytes so make sure to get more of these electrolyte foods in your diet right now to stay hydrated.

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