



What do you know about iron?

No not Iron Man from the avengers we’re talking about the mineral you know the one that carries oxygen through the blood cells to create energy while iron is essential to the body did you know that 24.8% of the global population suffers from anemia that’s the condition where your body lacks red blood cells making you feel tired and weak.

If you are suffering from some sort of iron deficiency, there are some great foods you can eat. Let’s discuss nine foods that can help your iron deficiency. How often do you eat oysters how about cashews? I’ll tell you you’ll never appreciate spinach more in your life. We’re talking all that and more.

1. Beans

To put a plain beans are great source of iron for your body for the adult male it’s recommended that you consume around 8 mg a day for the average adult female around 18 mg. The average can of beans contains 4 mg of this includes soy beans, lima beans, and kidney beans.

On top of all the great iron benefits carried by beans, they are also packed with potassium, calcium and vitamin C. This is an especially great choice of your vegetarian or vegan and you’re avoiding the meat sources. You will see on this list.

2. Broccoli

I’m just getting all the food out of the way while most vegetables are not the strongest sources of iron around broccoli remains an exception just a cup of steam broccoli contains about 10% of your daily iron intake.

This is the perfect side to have with lunch or dinner, but that is not the only benefit in the world of iron Broccoli contains a relatively small percentage of the same contains around 81 mg of vitamin C that is over 135% of your daily intake. The vitamin C helps to digest your food easier that small amount of iron in the broccoli will be processed much quicker.

3. Cashew

How often do you eat cashews this is nut has proven to be a terrific source of iron with 30 g providing you with 2 mg before you go to the store down the street we need to make know just a one problem. 

Cashew contain iron blockers that prevent you from fully absorbing the iron that is if you don’t mix it with a vitamin C heavy food so if you’re headed to the supermarket for cashews, make sure you pick up some fruits and vegetables to eat it with even broccoli may do the trick.

4. Oysters

Just u know this is not the only seafood that will appear on this list outside of a fancy dinner party at a golf resort. The odds of you stumbling upon oysters is fairly rare and they may seem gross to eat have no fear. You only have to braid the taste of to see its benefits.

OK that may be a lot. Just take a breath and soldier through it. Five oysters contain around 18% of your daily intake that’s 3.2 mg oysters are also a decent source of omega-3 fatty acid potassium and magnesium so if you’re ever at a wedding and oysters are being served, don’t brush them off. Give them a try and never hurts to try new food unless you’re allergic to seafood. 

5. Tofu

Yes I said tofu is a great source of food that you probably wouldn’t be able to make it out in a lineup. Originating in tofu is food made condensed soy milk and is incredibly popular among vegan and vegetarians.

It is also known to reduce the risk of heart disease as well as various forms of cancer. Just a half a cup of tofu contains almost 7 mg of iron.

There is also around 8 mg of protein along with magnesium copper, zinc, and vitamin B1 in the spirit of trying something new tofu is a bad choice. Would you rather go back to broccoli.

6. Dark chocolate

As soon as people hear that word keep in mind we’re talking dark chocolate specifically not only does this food improve brain function and reduce the risk of heart disease.

It also holds over 7 mg of iron in a 3 ounce serving while dark chocolate is an amazing nutritional source that just two pieces is over 170 calories. If you’re chocolate junkie it’s to lose track of your intake. Try your best resist temptation and only have it every now and then 

7. Spinach

Now this the one I bet you waiting for all that delicious tofu off your plate and make room for spinach people did you know that raw spinach is rich and I mean of course it taste bad but when it comes to iron deficiency.

Do you really have a choice?

A single cup of spinach carry 6 mg of iron. if you would like higher dose for as long as you can, there was also a large amount of fiber, minerals, and antioxidants so if you’re in dire need of a body cleanse, it may be time for you to toughen up and eat some spinach

8. Chicken

chicken when people thinking of iron chicken usually the first thing that comes mind. But make no mistake, chicken is a fabulous source of mineral. A 3 ounce serving of dark chicken holds about 1.1 mg.

While this is only about 6% of your daily value your body absorbs iron from meat products much quicker than it does plan based. This is why chicken is a great pre-workout food.

9. Tuna

Remember how I said that oysters weren’t gonna be the only seafood on this list. Well here we are. The average can of tuna contains around 3 mg of iron.

It is also less than 150 calories when mix with water. Like with chicken tuna contain a type of iron known as heme, which is exclusive to meat.

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